The Punjabi radio producers of CJMR 1320 AM radio station have once again come together to fight hunger in our community by hosting another radiothon and food drive in support of Mississauga’s Seva Food Bank.

The radiothon will take place all day on Friday, November 7th. Supporters will be able to call into any of the Punjabi shows and make their pledge on the air. These shows include Asian Vision, Rangla Punjab, Parvasi, Punjab Di Goonj, Geetan Naal Preetan, Yahoo Radio, Fulkari, Sargam, Ajj Di Awaaz and Mehfil. Over the weekend, listeners will also be able to make donations on the Dil Apna Punjabi, Nav-Rang, Apna Punjab Radio, Road News Rangoli, and Sadda Virsa programs.
On Sunday, November 9th, a food drive will be held at over 20 local gurdwaras and South Asian grocery stores across the GTA. The previous three radiothons and food drives have collectively raised over $300,000 and 125,000 pounds of food for Seva Food Bank.
“As we celebrate the 545th birthday of Guru Nanak, we really wanted to find a way to put Guru Nanak’s message of equality, social justice and service into practice,” remarked radio host Kuldip Deepak. “The Seva Food Bank is doing just that with its commitment to seva, selfless service, and sarbat da bhalla, the well-being of all humanity.”
“This incredible weekend will make a direct positive impact on the lives of our client families” commented Seva Food Bank organizer, Angie Rehal. “The food and funds collected to allow us to not only feed more people but also tackle the issues of food security, hunger and poverty in our community.”
The Seva Food Bank first opened its doors in September 2010 and has grown to distribute 40,000 pounds of food to over 500 client families each month. As part of the Mississauga Food Bank’s city-wide network, it provides safe, nutritious and culturally appropriate food to clients from its Wolfedale Road and Malton locations.
Daven Seebarran
905-361-7382 (SEVA)